Welcome to the Official Trooper Clerks Web Site!
Trooper Clerks is a parody mixing the characters from Kevin Smith's CLERKS universe with the settings and characters in George Lucas's Star Wars universe. The end result is a hilarious yet foul-languaged mutlimedia experiment that has captured the hearts and minds of thousands of fans.
Kevin Smith has written and directed a sequel to his 1994 movie, CLERKS, which this website parodies. Both Clerks and Clerks 2 is on DVD.
Trooper Clerks won the Official 2003 Star Wars Fanfilm Animation Contest
Trooper Clerks competed against 17 other fanfilms in the 2003 "Official AtomFilms Star Wars Fanfilm Competition". This event was supported by Lucasfilm Ltd., creators of the Star Wars movies, so it was a very momentous occasion for the Trooper Clerks Team when they won the competition in the animation category. Who would have thought that a foul mouthed parody about Convenience store Stormtroopers would have garnered the accolades of George Lucas , his people, and this fans? :)
Thanks to everyone who came by the "Trooper Clerks" booth at the

Convention. The support for Trooper Clerks was enormous (we passed out over 8,000 postcards in 4 days).
Click here and here to see images from the convention. |
Click here to see the Trooper Clerks cartoons and films.